World Water Day – 22 March 2024

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💦 Economic, social and environmental prosperity of communities and protection of public health, food and energy systems rely on the equitable management of a well-functioning water cycle, according to the United Nations.
💧 So, on this World Water Day, let’s each reflect on our own use of water and its importance within our lives, and within those of the future generations. Let’s protect our water sources, as water is not infinite, but defines our destiny on the planet.
💧 There is no better way to celebrate the World Water Day, than with the education of the citizens of tomorrow on the importance of access to clean water, and its conservation.
💧 To spread this message, our researchers Andrea Naziri, Theoni Mina and Elena Marangou visited the Aglantzia E’ Primary School @ where they presented the importance of water and its cycle on earth, the problems that water faces today by human activities and what types of treatment are applied, for our access to clean water. Finally, they educated children on how they and their families can individually contribute to our very precious water resources 💦

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