- GAIA – Laboratory of Environmental and Engineered Water Processes & Systems
- EUPALINOS – Laboratory of Urban Water Distribution Networks
- UCY-CompSci – Computational Sciences Laboratory
- EmBIOSysTech-Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology
- GREE – Geomechanics Research for Energy and the Environment
- SRL – Subsurface Research Laboratory
SRL - Subsurface Research Laboratory
The Subsurface Research Laboratory operated during 2010 and 2013 and was led by Dr. Kostarelos who was an Assistant professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The laboratory focused its research on subsurface remediation technologies for contaminated soil and water (surface and groundwater), soil and groundwater remediation, and soil and groundwater environmental site assessment. Research projects included: use of surfactants to recover coal tar contamination from soil, partitioning interwell tracer testing for NAPL detection and estimation, treatment of dredged sediments, development of in-situ chemical sensor for geo-environmental applications, and in-situ treatment options for hexavalent chromium, environmental assessment of abandoned sulfide mine.