Losing Paradise

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The Water Crisis in the Mediterranean

Author: Gail Holst-Warhaft and Tammo Steenhuis (Eds)

Year: 2010

Publisher: Ashgate Publishers


Taking a uniquely interdisciplinary view of the Eastern Mediterranean region’s water problems, this book considers some of the technical and regulatory solutions being proposed or implemented to solve the difficulties of diminished or polluted water supplies. Stressing the importance of traditional and historical cultural understanding in addressing the water crisis, the authors demonstrate that what is required is an integrated legal, social and scientific management system appropriate to each country’s stage of development and their cultural heritage.

Using case studies from Lebanon, Italy, Spain, Egypt, Greece, Jordan and Cyprus, the authors focus on the urgency of the present crisis faced by each country and the need for cooperation. The suggested solutions also serve as a paradigm for the rest of the world as it faces similar issues of water shortage.

Contents: Preface; Part 1 The Cultural Background: Losing Paradise: the water crisis in the Mediterranean, Gail Holst-Warhaft; Water policy as a gospel of redemption, Gaspar Mairal; Water, culture and civilization in the Italian Mediterranean, Eriberto Eulisse. Part 2 Law, War, and Water: The right to have water: or an obligation to provide it?, Keith Porter; Water resources and conflict in Lebanon, Nadim Farajalla. Part 3 Managing a Scarce Resource: Options for sustainable water management in arid and semi-arid areas, Tammo Steenhuis; Alternative regional water management for conflict resolution in the Middle East: a case study of Jordan, Zeyad Makramreh; Water loss management in Cyprus, Symeon Christodoulou; Water and geology in the Mediterranean, George Stournanas; Water conservation in Egypt, Nicholas S. Hopkins; Conclusion; Index.

Hardback, ISBN: 978-0-7546-7573-0

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